The Pressure of the Big Apple

New York is no easy place to play for anyone. The stage is big, there are big expectations and with big expectations comes a lot of pressure. Everything seems to be magnified and fans are not shy to show their frustration with players. Teams are expected to win and when they do not fans are not afraid to blame certain players or coaches. It takes a special player to succeed under these circumstances, but we have seen it is possible.

The Yankees are one of the most accomplished franchises in sport history. They have won 27 world series and many expect them to compete for another this season and for years to come. They won their last world series in 2009.

The Yankees made huge strides last year but ended up losing to the Astros in the American League Championship Series. Even though they failed to make it to the fall classic, they surprised many and had great confidence entering this season. It also helped that they added the reigning NL MVP, Giancarlo Stanton this offseason. Adding him to an already powerful lineup excited many for this season.

The plan has not gone exactly right so far. Stanton has struggled. Stanton played his first 7 MLB seasons in Miami, where expectations were not very high and the market isn’t as big. After the Yankees acquired Stanton there was talks to how he would adjust to his new city and expectations. I don’t think you really know how New York is until you actually experience it. You’re going into it blindfolded and as we have seen that’s a difficult thing to do. Stanton has experienced this in a rough way.

In 10 games so far this season Stanton has struck out a league high 20 times. He has also struck out 5 times in 2 games this season. He is hitting .167 so far as well. In his first game in Yankee Stadium this season he had one of those 5 strikeout games and fans were booing him after the 5th strikeout. Yankee fans are the most ruthless in baseball and maybe even any professional sport team. They expect greatness, especially from a player of Stanton’s callbar and when they don’t get results they let you know they are unhappy.

Maybe a slow start to the season was expected from Stanton though? Many expected Stanton to come to New York and hit homerun after homerun. Unrealistic expectations can put extra pressure on a player. That is what I think has made Giancarlo struggle so far. He does not want to play bad for the fans, the team, his coaches, anyone but he has. The pressure has gotten the best of him but I can’t say I’m surprised.

We are 10 games into the season and the hype has died down a little and that’s a good thing. Stanton is a good player that justs needs to take a step back. I believe he is trying too hard to do to much. He is way to good of a player to struggle for much longer. The pressure is still there but the unrealistic expectations aren’t. Stanton is bound to start hitting like he is capable very soon. When it is all said and done Yankee fans will not be booing Stanton but cheering for him.  

Image result for giancarlo stanton

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